Articles Featuring Janelle Brittain, MBA, CSP
These articles are from newspapers, journals and magazines around the US. They either quote Janelle, describe her work or she authored them. If you would like further information on any article, click on Contact Us
- “How to Dish Out Compliments That Count,” Investor’s Business Daily
- “When merger is complete, HR’s work still continues,” HR News
- “Riding the Roller Coaster of Growth,” New York Times
- “Year-round preparation makes performance reviews easy and productive,” Distribution Center Management
- “Merging? Don’t let the venture fail for lack of people coddling,” Law Office Administrator
- “Leading Your Company Through the Economic Rollercoaster,” The Journal of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
- “New Thinking On How HR Can Keep Morale High,” What’s Working in Human Resources
- “Tough Talking: Tips From the Messenger on Delivering Bad News,” Chicago Tribune
- “Tough Conversations,” Inside Supply Management
- “Reflect on firing – then go to next phase.” Chicago Tribune
- “Acquire a new skill: Managing your boss,” Chicago Tribune
- “Testing Benefits Entrepreneurs: Screening helps avoid costly bad hires,” Crain’s Chicago Business
- “Power freaks are few, but not too far away,” Chicago Tribune
- “Is Your Boss a Jerk? If you can’t take it anymore, then take charge,” Today’s Chicago Woman
- “Working Smart: What to Do When the Boss Is a Pain in the Career,” Chicago Tribune
- “Working Smart: What to Do When the Boss Is a Pain in the Career,” Chicago Tribune
- “Employer Apathy and Lack of Laws Barely Give Bullied Workers a Fighting Chance,” Los Angeles Times
- “Want To Keep ‘Em? Better Show Them You Mean Business,”
- “Workers may leave after layoffs,” Business Journal, Austin, TX
- “New AEIS survey says layoff survivors value reassurances,” Business Journal, Fresno & San Francisco CA, Joaquin Valley
- “Bridging the Gap” (Managing Generation X’ers), Crain’s Chicago Business
- “Getting the Feel for Employee Rewards: Is Your Incentive Program Sticky Enough?” American Express Incentive Services
- “Reducing Resistance to Change,” ORA News Line
- “Huddle Up” (Coaching Your Staff), Entrepreneur Magazine
- “Cracking the Personalities that Drive You Nuts,” Meeting News
- “Ring Masters: How professional facilitators bring direction and purpose to a meeting,” Meetings and Conventions
- “Top Speaker Offers Method to Survive a Bad Meeting,” Pioneer Newspaper
- “Mastering the Art of Flexible Thinking,” The Effective Executive
- “Confidence: Essential Tool for a Job Hunter,” Chicago Tribune
- “Conquering the Superman Complex,”
- “Do Instinctual Judgments Make Good Business Sense? More Than A Feeling,” Entrepreneur Magazine
- “Interior Resource: Can Intuition Give Women a Dynamic Mental Edge?” Chicago Tribune
- “New Ways To Overcome A Mental Block,” Glamour Magazine
- “Climbing the Mountain Together,” Enterprising Woman
- “Train Your Brain,” Success Magazine
- “Thinking Quickly on your Feet: The Art of Handling the Unexpected,” Meeting News
- “Expert Listening Increases Productivity,” Human Resources News & Views
- “Exercising Exceptional Thinking,” Advance Magazine
- “Incentives: American Express Incentive Services,” Incentive Magazine
- “You Love’em, You Need’em, But they Aren’t Performing Well.” Women’s Leadership Exchange Newsletter
- “The Five Coaching Steps,” Women’s Leadership Exchange Newsletter
- “Benefiting From The “Good Ol’ Girls” Network,” Enterprising Women Magazine
- “Janelle Brittain Garners New Venture Award”, NAWBO Bulletin
- “Keeping clients informed prevents problems later” Chicago Tribune
- “Good Inquiry Process Leads to Larger Sale” High Tech Selling
- “What Paves the Path to Success” The Counselor
- “Motivation: What Motivates You To Sell” The Counselor
- “What Motivates You to Sell?” Advantage Magazine
- “Star Team Dynamics” Training Today (This article is also a chapter from one of Janelle’s books, Star Team Dynamics: 12 Lessons Learned from Experienced Team Builders, Oakhill Press, 1999.)
- “Power! Power! How gets the power? Using Star Teams to empower people in your workplace” Smart Workplace Practices
- “The right number for teams” Working Smart
- “Q &A with Janelle Brittain On Why Communicators Should Work in Teams” The Ragan Report
- “Tackling the Challenge of Cross-Functional Teams” TeamWork Newsletter
- “When the Client Says they want Team Building” National Speakers Association
- “What Results from Your Event?: Focus on what really motivates them” Corporate Incentive Magazine
- “Exceptional Thinking Under Pressure” The Meetings Industry
- “Exceptional Thinking Under Pressure” Insurance Meetings Management
- “Facilitation and the Speechless Speaker” Professional Speaker
- “Selecting the “Perfect” Speaker,” The Meetings Industry
- “Is the Meetings Industry a part of the Travel and Tourism Industry?” The Meetings Industry
- “Chief Goal of Meetings Month: Dispelling Rivalries” Meeting News
- “Meetings Councils Sow Seeds of Cooperation” Meeting News
- “Motivating Attendees at your Meetings and Events” Motivation
- “Successful Meetings Industry: Partnering is Possible only when Core Values are Aligned,” Bureau PEG Newsletter
- “Working in Sync” Successful Meetings
- “Partnerships in Action: The Power of the Meetings Industry” Professional Speaker
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